la pocha nostra

Guillermo Gomez-Peña (photo: Zach Gross)


La Pocha Nostra is an ever growing cross-disciplinary arts organization and non-profit based in San Francisco, California with branches in Central and South America, Europe, Asia and the South Pacific. 

La Pocha Nostra was founded in 1993 by Guillermo Gomez Pena, Roberto Sifuentes, Michèle Ceballos Michot and Nola Mariano in Los Angeles. The goal was to formalize conceptually Gomez-Pena's collaborations with other performance artists. 

CURRENT CORE MEMBERS of La Pocha include Guillermo Gomez-Peña , Michèle Ceballos Michot, Saul Garcia Lopez, Balitronica Gomez, Emma Tramposch, and Nayla Altamirano. Their projects range from performance solos and duets to large scale multi-sensory performance installations involving photo, video, sound and projection. 


If there is a common denominator, it is our desire to cross and erase dangerous borders including those between art and politics, art practice and theory, artist and spectator - ultimately to dissolve borders and myths of purity whether they be specific to culture, ethnicity, gender or language. 


"We consider their workshop intensives to be La Pocha’s most important pedagogical adventures of the year. This workshop intensive will take place over 5 days at a private venue in the Byron Shire. With daily workshop sessions and exercises, we will explore radical spirituality and the creation of alternative communities through performance."

See below for details and register today! 


This year, members of La Pocha Nostra with local producer Public Act Theatre will hold one of their legendary international performance workshops in Byron Bay, Australia. 

About the Pocha workshop: 
The summer school involves 5-days immersed in performance art with a focus on the human body as a site for creation, reinvention, memory and activism. We will also place particular emphasis on the relationship between the human body and environment and have multiple sites to play with. This amazing cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary and cross-generational laboratory will host up to 24 participants. 

The ‘Pocha workshop’ is internationally recognized as an amazing and rigorous artistic and anthropological experiment in which carefully selected artists from several countries and every imaginable artistic, ethnic, multi-cultural, and gender persuasion begin to negotiate common ground. Performance becomes the connective tissue and lingua franca for our temporary community of rebel artists.

As always, space will be limited and is expected to fill quickly. Responding to the economical challenges of our times, notifications of acceptance will be given within two weeks of having submitted your application, this will help you to plan in advance. La Pocha Nostra will help you with official letters if you need them. We encourage all interested applicants to submit your application as soon as possible. Application guidelines included below.

What will be taught?
The exciting 5-hour per-day workshop will offer two parallel processes: Participants are exposed to La Pocha Nostra's most recent performance methodologies, an eclectic combination of exercises borrowed from multiple traditions including performance art, experimental theater and dance, the Suzuki method, performative rituals, performance games and live jam sessions. Parallel to this hands-on process, the group will analyze the creative process, the issues addressed by the work, its aesthetic currency, cultural impact and political pertinence. 

Who should attend?
Performance artists, experimental actors, dancers, theorists, activists and students interested in the topics addressed by La Pocha Nostra. Ages can range from 18 to 80 years old. Applicants must have some performance experience, and must be familiar with La Pocha Nostra’s work. The workshop is extremely fun but both physically and intellectually rigorous.

What is the application process?
International participants will be carefully chosen by a selection committee comprised of Pocha Nostra members and other international artists. Please fill the application form online and answer the corresponding questions. Responding to the economical challenges of our times, notifications of acceptance will be given within two weeks of having submitted your application giving you time to plan accordingly. We will be accepting participants on a rolling basis so we encourage submitting your application in advance of the deadline. 

“ Fear is the foundation of your identity. ”
— Guillermo Gomez-Peña